Blog November 15, 2021 7 Minutes

Business Intelligence For SharpSpring: How To Maximize The Potential Of Your Data

Growing a business online has many moving parts. From effectively driving traffic towards landing pages to executing seasonal email campaigns, marketing automation is helping businesses to focus on the bigger picture and not just on repetitive tasks.

As digital marketing spend continues to rise (a growth of 12% in 2020 despite the pandemic) with eCommerce sales are expected to account for 18.1% of retail sales in 2021, marketers are utilizing the power of marketing automation platforms to automate their process of lead generation, customer conversion and nurturing buyer relationships.

SharpSpring is one such marketing automation platform that provides businesses and marketing departments with the tools to improve workflows and automate their campaigns.

While this means having the automation tools to create, launch and analyze marketing campaigns across various marketing channels, gleaning insights from the data being generated still falls on the user.

While the traditional avenue would be bringing the datasets to your IT department and getting them analyzed, it would result in both a resource and time-sink as well as the insights being too outdated for any meaningful use.

That’s why at Unscrambl, we have created Qbo, your very own personal data analyst integrated within SharpSpring to help analyze your data and derive actionable insights to optimize your marketing campaigns.


Qbo – The Business Intelligence Tool In SharpSpring To Opt Your Marketing Automation

Qbo is a business intelligence tool that you can bring along to optimize your marketing automation efforts in SharpSpring.

It connects all of your enterprise data sources, including the marketing data being generated from SharpSpring’s platform as well as the data stored across your organization, both on-premise or in third-party data warehouses.

This allows you to draw upon a wealth of data, both historical as well as real-time, to derive holistic insights that can help you optimize your marketing campaigns on the go as well as chart the overall automation strategy going forward.

Powered by conversational analytics, Qbo allows team members to ask questions directly to your data in natural language and glean instantaneous insights presented in highly intuitive visualizations for better understanding.

Qbo’s deep integration with SharpSpring allows marketers to drive greater ROI on their campaigns and take their marketing automation to the next level through the power of data-driven insights.


6 Ways Qbo Can Harness The Power Of Data To Enhance Your Marketing Campaigns

Together with Qbo, users of SharpSpring will be able to use their data to optimize their automation workflow, allowing campaigns to connect better with audiences, drive more conversions, and ultimately grow their business.

1. Get Insights Instantly By Talking To Your Data

SharpSpring allows users to track leads across multiple devices, from desktops to tablets and mobile phones.

With Qbo, users will be able to ask questions directly to their data to learn more about which devices are driving the highest quality leads. This allows you to focus on the best-performing traffic source as well as the content and design on your website to better cater to them.

“Which device type is bringing us leads with the lowest cost of acquisition?”

“Which device, mobile or desktop, is driving us the most leads over the last 4 weeks?”


Qbo will provide insights on your queries with the best fit visualization to help you take immediate action to optimize your marketing campaigns.

2. Dynamic Real-Time Insights For Real-Time Optimization

Through machine learning, Qbo’s conversational analytics will initiate conversations with users when there is some benefit in highlighting some fact or insight. This is particularly useful when a campaign or workflow automation is running in real-time. 

For example, if during an ad campaign, there is a sudden drop in conversions or an automated email campaign suddenly sees a spike in click-throughs, Qbo will dynamically initiate conversations, allowing users to choose to engage further to learn more about the situation.

With repeated interactions, Qbo will learn the preferences of each user and learn when it would be good to initiate a conversation and on which topics.

3. Detect Trends Within Your Customer Data To Identify New Revenue Opportunities

As customer data gets generated, Qbo allows you to glean key insights on how your customers are interacting with your products and services.

By monitoring and detecting trends within your customer behavioral data, you’ll be able to understand which content, products, and ads resonate the most with your audience.

Qbo allows you to easily accomplish this by asking descriptive questions such as:

“Which of our merchandise is selling the most during the Christmas week?”

This allows you to make data-driven decisions for your future marketing campaigns to sell and market more of what is working.

4. Better Forecast Your Customer Demand To Optimize The Marketing Budget

Forecasting your advertising budget can get hard but highly useful for your finances if it can be accomplished.

Thankfully with Qbo, powered by artificial intelligence, you’ll be able to analyze your historical data to make qualitative predictions on customer demand to aid your forecasting efforts.

Users will be able to ask predictive questions such as:

“Show me the predicted sales for our winter wear over the next 60 days”

“How much advertising budget should we allocate over the next year to clear our inventory?”

5. Analyze Your Email Marketing Performance – From The Strategic To Tactical Level

SharpSpring allows you to automate your email campaigns and personalize them with a level of customization that allows you to conduct comprehensive A/B tests.

With Qbo’s integration, you’ll be able to ask questions to your data to identify specific campaigns and emails that are performing well, allowing you to replicate winning strategies.

Users will be able to ask questions such as:

“Which email campaign has the highest open and click-through rates?”

“Why have our email sales conversion rates fallen?”

These insights allow you to optimize key elements of your email campaigns such as the headline types, interface design, and call-to-actions to drive better results.

6. Build Better Buyer Personas To Lower Your Customer Acquisition Costs

With SharpSpring’s analytics, you’ll be able to track and obtain data on key statistics such as clicks, opens, bounces, traffic sources, and campaign results.

Utilizing Qbo, you’ll be able to analyze through all of the metrics and your current performance to optimize the customer profile you are working on. This allows you to craft better ads that connect with them, advertise on the channels they frequent, and create email campaigns that get them to take action.

Through Qbo, users will be able to ask customer-centric questions that include:

“What are the demographics of customers that are driving us the most revenue over the last 3 months?”

“Which type of customers should we be targeting on Google and Facebook ads for the lowest cost of acquisition?”

With these insights, marketing teams will be able to refine their existing buyer personas to target more profitable customer groups.

Qbo + SharpSpring – 3 Benefits You Can Enjoy

With the power of conversational analytics, Qbo goes beyond just optimizing your marketing campaigns, it helps transform your entire organization through better data-driven decision-making.

1) Unlock True Data Democratization Across Your Marketing Team

One of the biggest stumbling blocks of driving data literacy is the ease of use of your business intelligence tool. This is especially important when it comes to enhancing marketing campaigns when real-time optimization is often necessary. 

With Qbo, every user will be empowered with the capabilities of a data analyst, allowing faster insight generation and lesser reliance on IT teams. 

This means utilizing the freshest and most up-to-date insights presented on highly intuitive visualizations for faster comprehension and optimization.

2) Optimize Your Automation Workflow With Data-Driven Insights

Automation workflows aren’t easy to set up and rearranging them is both a time-consuming and risky task, especially when it involves lead generation and the closing of sales.

With Qbo, marketing teams will be able to ask diagnostic and descriptive questions to drill down and find inefficiencies that can be optimized. 

By analyzing a wealth of historical data together with predictive analytics, teams will be able to effectively (and safely) enhance their automation workflow to ultimately increase engagement and conversion rates.

3) Empower Users To Foster A Data Driven-Culture

Establishing a data-driven culture is becoming increasingly necessary for success but isn’t easy. Most organizations rely heavily on their IT department to process and analyze their data which could lead to several problems.

One is the obvious time delays which could result in outdated insights while the other is inaccurate insights taken out of context due to the analyst not being a business leader or practitioner of marketing.

With Qbo, every user can simply ask questions to their data without any technical knowledge or preparation of the data necessary. This allows organizations to focus more on developing the right question frameworks and data storytelling, skills that will drive more business value while leaving the responsibilities of data preparation and governance to Qbo’s machine learning capabilities.


Empower Your Marketing Automation With Qbo Today

At Unscrambl, we believe in helping you bring out the best in your marketing automation with the power of business intelligence.

Easy to use and highly capable, unleash the power of data-driven insights to help optimize your campaigns for success!

Embark on a 14-day free trial of Qbo and experience the benefits of business intelligence for yourself.