The power of a thousand analysts to tell me not just what, but why things change? Now that’s insightful.
The power of a thousand analysts to tell me not just what, but why things change? Now that’s insightful.
Let Qbo discover insights for you
Using the power of AI, automatically uncover root causes, changes in KPIs, and underlying trends in natural language. Personalized insights delivered in seconds from across all of your data sources. Qbo will automatically explore millions of combinations of feature values to uncover the needles in the haystack.Understand every insight you get
Understand every insight you get
Qbo will present each insight in the context using terms familiar to you, and also guide you to explore further. It will continuously tune these insights to present more and more relevant ones to users.
Get answers to questions you did not know to ask
Get answers to questions you did not know to ask
Automate the analysis process for faster insights. QGrams: Receive notifications on meaningful changes to your KPIs and unexpected anomalies from your data. QPacks: Curated insights and instant diagnostics from your favourite cloud applications delivered in real-time.